JS-Kit Comments

Saturday, August 1, 2009

New Look And New Addiction


Image via Wikipedia

As you may have noticed, there’s a new look going on here.  I tend to prefer the dark backgrounds, and also the simple ones, so I just grabbed a basic template.  That photo at the top is mine.  Let me know what you all think!  I expect a few more changes…I’m a tweaker.  Can’t sit still for a minute. :)

Found a new addiction last night, Hulu.com.  Its over folks.  I can watch all my fave shows, that’s just amazing to me.  Especially considering I have no “real” TV, I just get 5, CW, and PBS.  Boring.  I either watch DVDs when I’m in the mood for mindlessness or a few shows that I do enjoy.  But now I can watch them ALL on my computer!  Yup, in one night I became an official Hulu-ite.  Of course, that spawned a new brain child, Television Show Reviews.  Right now I’m giving a synopsis of the show, then my opinion.  That could change. ;)  Go check it out and tell me what you think.  I know, I need to overcome my serious blog addiction…I’m trying to limit myself.  I have to be able to keep up with them all!

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