JS-Kit Comments

Monday, July 20, 2009

Summer Dreams

New England Aster

Image by giveawayboy via Flickr

Now that summer has finally sort of hit New England, I’ve spent the past few days outside and visiting friends.  Little Princess and I went to see my friend J and welcome Mom#2 back for a bit.  J’s sister C was there too, so we had a full house and several kids…okay, four.  Little Princess, A, V, and little JB all had a grand time, though little JB was a bit perturbed with all the commotion after awhile.  That was Saturday.

Sunday was a gorgeous day and we all went to the lake.  All of the adults were aiming for some sun, since we haven’t had a decent shot of it all “summer”.  Little Princess had a blast, since she doesn’t get to see other little people very often.

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Swimming @ Lake St George 009

Little Princess hamming it up for the camera.

The poor child is quite isolated here in the middle of nowhere, but I don’t have to worry about her going outside to play.  I could take a nap and she’d be perfectly safe.  So its a bit of a trade off.

Swimming @ Lake St George 033 Yes she was that cold, and didn’t want to come out of the water.

I quite enjoyed relaxing on the edge of the lake with the sun on me.  I took a bunch of photos, including ones of the lake itself.  It was a fun day.  When we got home I set up Little Princess’ wading pool for the first time all year.  Poor dear hasn’t been able to use it up until now!

Today Little Princess was taken by Aunt Kristen for some niece/aunt bonding time.  Well, and so Aunt Kristen can get her housework done!  Yup, my 6y/o Little Princess is a babysitter for her baby cousin, Gremlin.  He’s starting to get into everything, and its easier when Little Princess is around, for obvious reasons.

I’ve also figured out that I really need to figure out how to achieve my own dreams, instead of reading/watching other people achieve them.  I have big dreams, and I’m not achieving anything…or I take micro-baby steps, but can’t see where it ends up.  I need to work out some sort of plan, so I can stop spinning my wheels and get things straightened out.  Superwoman needs a new cape!  I can do it all, I know I can.  Nothing I want is out of reach, I’m just too focused on the big picture.  Need to break it down into baby steps.

A beautiful picture from our day at the lake:

Swimming @ Lake St George 038

Kind of inspirational, I think. :)


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